1414 20Sep2024


Interest in a Conspiracy Thriller Novel Washington, DC?

Sitting in a restaurant in July 2011, the nation’s capital was at fever pitch with the approaching 10th anniversary of 9/11 terrorist attacks. The local all-news station, WTOP, was interviewing people as to their fears and anticipation of the anniversary. I was having lunch with my mom, and I recall telling her, “well, if I was a bad guy, this is what I’d do…”

That fated anniversary passed, thankfully without major incident, but my preoccupation with my idea remained strong. The more I thought about it, I decided I’d devised a credible inciting event, based on my knowledge of Washington, DC, its infrastructure, residents, commuters, and commerce up and down the East Coast.

Tiananmen Ascending The Dragon Proxies [vol. 1] is the story that emerged as I researched and fleshed out the mechanics of how such a horrific inciting event could be orchestrated, and the possible rationale behind it. Conveniently, the more I researched and built structure, the more real-world events aligned to support the emerging story, specifically in the geo-political hotspot of the South China Sea.

Read on… (then visit the SHORTS page to download a FREE sample chapter!)

As natural resources dwindle and China nears economic implosion, Chinese General Secretary Xi resolves to establish China’s next dynasty and secure its future. There’s just one catch: China can’t be the dominant power when the United States already holds that distinction.

This challenge leads the Chinese General Secretary and his personal emissary, Ministry of State Security agent Xi Gang, to collaborate with the Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution—Iran’s IRGC Quds Force, to launch a series of terrorist attacks against America. The ensuing chaos ignites a geopolitical struggle as the president fails to acknowledge the possibility of such a conspiracy.

Navy SEAL sniper Cam Nite knows the stark reality—and after witnessing one of the attacks, he wants proof. But as he begins his investigation, he can’t imagine how personal it will become.